"A stunning avant-garde approach to a plea for nuclear disarmament...unique and dazzling."
Entertainment Weekly (the bomb)
"An abstract wonder and a literal nightmare: a dazzling view into the abyss."
The New York Observer (the bomb)
"Thrilling...The footage of blasts is, as you can imagine, absolutely top-notch. Some of it is so spectacular, so trippy, so ridiculous, I was convinced it was fake."
Vice (the bomb)
Newsweek (the bomb)
"Scarier than any horror picture released in the past year, the bomb renders a hot-button controversy with terrible beauty and haunting audiovisual novelty."
UPROXX (the bomb)
"Mesmerizing, stunning, building to a powerful, touching conclusion that magically stopped the audience cold in its tracks."
The Film Stage (the bomb)
"Keshari’s work is highly conceptual, stylized with music as a driving force. It takes left brain concepts, with a right brain execution."
Under the Influence Magazine (Smriti Keshari)
Rousing ... mphatic and athetic.’
New York Times (Food Chains)
‘A tremendously important new movie ... watch this powerful film.’
US News and World Report (Food Chains)